
Bill Davis
1 min readJan 4, 2022

January 4, 2022 The Morning Sixpack — Over 1,000,000 COVID cases were reported yesterday, marking a watershed moment in this never-ending pandemic. Oh, and the Trumps are all getting subpoenas.

The Morning Sixpack

How’s that for setting a conflicting emotional rollercoaster?

On the one hand, OMG, that’s a lot of COVID! Now, to be fair, many states reported for the weekend so the number is undoubtedly inflated.

But it will come to pass: One million infections in a single day will become the norm.

Until everybody has it. Then we’ll see what re-infection looks like. Can’t win…

But on the other hand, YIPPEE! FINALLY, somebody is taking #TFG and his goon family to task.

I doubt this will go anywhere. I mean, you can’t make a person talk if he doesn’t want to…unless we bring waterboarding into the US court system.

(Hey, not a bad idea, right, Republicans?)

I will always fantasize about Don Sr getting in front of a jury and going all “A Few Good Men” on us.

That would be EPIC.

And I actually think he’s dumb enough to do it if he ever sits down in that witness chair.

But that will NEVER happen.

Anyhoo, read about all this and more in today’s Morning Sixpack.

Make it a great day!


🍺 PS — Buy me a beer to keep the Daily Grind News open for business!

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Bill Davis

I write. People read. Making the world a better place, one effort at a time. Support my efforts at ko-fi.com/billspaced