President Biden Is Hitting It Out of the Park!

Bill Davis
Morning Sixpack
Published in
1 min readApr 28, 2021


Joe Cool is tearing it up!

The economy is rocking, the stock market rolls on, and COVID-19 is finally looking like it’s on the wane in the US (poor India).

Here’s some news about how well Joe Biden is doing:

He’s returned to the Paris Accord, reversed a bunch of stupid stuff Turnip (sic) did, and got the COVID-19 relief package passed and into law.

Next up: Infrastructure (American Jobs Plan) and (it seems simultaneously) the “family plan.”

FINALLY, Biden’s approval rating is north of 50 percent, a place Mango Mussolini never got close to approaching (always in the 30s and 40s).

Take that, ex-president Turnip!

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Bill Davis
Morning Sixpack

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